Should You Expect Your Contractor to Keep the Job Site Neat and Clean?
Bear in mind that if you are having an addition put on or remodeling your home, the jobsite is your home and you will be living in it! Many companies will simply clean the site upon completion of the project. Waiting to clean up your project’s area at completion can cause problems both during construction and at its conclusion. For example, if you are having a deck installed there will be plenty of nails and screws being used. If these small pieces of metal are not picked up every day someone could unknowingly step on one that could leave a scratch on your new decking. If this happens multiple times the results could be very noticeable; affecting your long-term satisfaction. There are also safety issues involved that make continuous job site maintenance a good idea. Whatever the project, there is a good chance that from time to time you might want to walk around and check out the work that’s being done. If there is a lot of debris around the j...