How to screen a covered deck or patio

While you can create a screened room by using a staple gun to attach window screen mesh from the hardware store to 3 foot wood framed openings, this is not what I am describing. You can hire the company that the builders do and get builder quality materials with posts every 3 feet. If you don’t mind and plan to sell soon or don’t plan to use the space all that much, then it will be fine. If you want to create a top quality screen room, then you’ll want to use Heartlands screen system. Heartlands system not only has a cleaner appearance, but the screens will hold taut for longer and cover much wider openings. Maintenance involves just a hose or some soap and water. Heartlands uses pool and patio screen mesh which is 20% thicker than standard window screen mesh, so consequently more durable. Screen mesh is available in 100’ rolls up to 9’ wide. Cut a length of screen mesh 3 inches longer and wider than the opening. If you require a railing (check your local buil...